About Us

Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Manitoba Inc. (2004) is a professional not-for-profit association dedicated to excellence and innovation in financial management and its practices. They represent the Manitoba chapter for Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada (AFOA).

In 1999, AFOA Canada was created by an accountability project through the partnership of the Assembly of First Nation’s and the Certified General Accountants. The initiative launched a partnership aimed at raising financial management skills and standards of First Nations, Métis and Inuit, building the foundation for self-government. It has a mandate to improve financial management reporting standards and accountability in Aboriginal organizations.

AFOA presents a leadership role in Aboriginal financial management activities by developing and promoting quality standards, practices, research, certification and professional development to expand capacity for members and Aboriginal organizations. The primary delivery mechanism is through a variety of functions, workshops, forums and conferences.

The overall goal is to support efforts in expanding financial and management capacity for Aboriginal organizations.

AFOA Manitoba (AFOA MB) has a vision of its role in the Aboriginal community:

Improving the results for Aboriginal organizations, communities and its community members through accountability and continued development of financial and human resource management.

The provincial chapters are governed by a Board of Directors comprised of senior financial managers, youth representatives and individuals with complementing expertise within the province. Chapters play a governance role: each chapter appoints a representative to sit on the national board of AFOA Canada.

The success of AFOA and its chapters is a key element in building First Nations, Métis and Inuit governance capacity. The AFOA strives to serve the capacity development needs of all those Aboriginals responsible for the management and governance of community and organizational resources. AFOA develops and promotes quality standards, practices, education, training and research to enhance capacity for effective financial management, performance reporting and accountability in First Nation, Métis and Inuit communities and organizations. It builds partnerships, provides certification and professional development, and develops governance, promote confidence and meet the challenges inherent in emerging government legislation and regulations.

Chapters play an important role and have significant value impacting AFOA’s mandate and objectives by:

  • Providing a direct link to local Aboriginal financial professionals and management;
  • Facilitating capacity building across a broader base constituency;
  • Enhancing communication by providing an efficient and effective method of addressing local issues;
  • Providing members with relatively inexpensive/cost-efficient “face to face” networking and professional development opportunities;
  • Helping to enhance professional awareness and image;
  • Provide a direct conduit for local member issues and concerns; and
  • Serving as a vital link between AFOA Canada and local Aboriginal organizations

The mission statement was established to provide direction and support for AFOA Manitoba’s vision.

AFOA leads the way in Aboriginal financial management by developing quality standards, promoting best practices, building strategic partnerships, utilizing innovative technologies, providing certification and professional development to enhance the capacity of members and Aboriginal organizations.

AFOA MB continues to move closer to achieving its vision and mission, region-wide accountability and increase capacity through a broad range of Aboriginal organizations from grassroots community programming and up.

AFOA Manitoba’s ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for remedial management, co-management and third-party management by rebuilding people and communities with accountable, fiscally responsible, and prosperous communities and organizations.


Vision Statement

We are a community of professionals leading and inspiring in the area of Aboriginal management.

Mission Statement

Building member capacity; encouraging and maintaining certification through member-driven services.